ietsnut / Abstract Analyzation
After doing abstract analyzation of 6 objects, I combined their strongest associated properties into one object. This object has to have:
- A dark outside, but with darker accent spots. (Some are polished black)
- Weightless. (Objects are grinded really thin)
- Present in multiple different timelines, always in motion. (The pulling-stretching motion is emphasised by the shape of the frames and objects)
- Mass-produced, changing between 1 and 0.
- In an archive/museum. (Indicated by the glass frame, inspired by tradition flower presses, it serves as a cage to hold still this always in motion object.)
- To be displayed. (Indicated by the glass frame)
- Molten/heated plastic. (The frame is partly molten/burned)
- A beating/echoing inside. (Kinetic motion video)
The result is a series of “drawings” by plasmacutter. By trying out the plasmacutter many times I hoped to achieve the same level of proficiency as a traditional pencil on paper.
Steel bars, metal wheel, tubes, cast iron, wire, aluminum, string, 220-volt electric motor.