ietsnut / Collabinet

Underneath you can see my current self consisting of 4 parts; theoretical/platonic, physical, metaphysical and godlike. These are the inspirations and aspirations that currently make up my ego.

Alter Ego Feature 1: Visualizing the aesthetic of the unknown, impossible and non-existant. Recognizing the beauty of the found, of nature.

Alter Ego Feature 2: Working completely interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary (music for example) in an experimental fashion.

Alter Ego Feature 3: Adventurous and imaginative. Creates and finds the stories behind objects and extensively explores their worlds/simulations.


Collabinet often approaches work as a director. Connecting different talents to create new realities. Much like Bach, who was rather an organizer of existing pieces than a composer, we should recognize potential and instrumentalize it.

Collabinet exists on the space between opposites. He finds meaning by walking on the thin border between order and chaos, standing and walking. Sometimes he finds himself in moments of complete chaos or order, and adds these experiences to his collection. Collabinet is fascinated by physical, mental and platonic aesthetics. He curates thoughts and objects that inhabit this trinity.

For Collabinet’s collection to have meaning, he needs not only the meaningful objects, classes and simulations (trinity) themselves, but also a container. The container of his endless curiosity is infinitely large. Collabinet travels to and explores unknown places to discover unknown trinities.

Collabinet consumes (reading, perceiving, tasting, etc.) and creates (write, draw, compose, etc.) with the goal of completing the theory of the trinites. Filling his cabinet with trinities gives him insights in how the universe might work. He formulates his own metaphysical theory of everything. His theory is balanced, manifested and present in all three realities.

Completed trinities are artificial; they are never found as a whole and exist as aggregates, parts, a compound of the three realities and their relations that make them whole. The crescendo process of assembling trinities starts with the smallest, indivisible point; the natural, the found, the unknown. Trinities are boundless in size. Not only is his collection endless, but also (the metadata of) the things in it.

How can he formulate a complete theory if the tasks of building a never-ending container and collecting unlimited trinities are impossible? By collaboration; if people and cultures hold part(s) of a trinity, Collabinet extracts them by the root and imbues them. Collabinet explores and extracts things leaving them intact, forming relationships between them; weaving trinities.

Collabinet’s position is a catalyst between these worlds. He is working on a platonic notation (universal language, writing system) akin to;

Can they be generated, due to their abstract nature? Generating music, maths, code, etc. means directly generating the platonic forms that make up (compile into) physical reality. By constructing a meta-writing system, a language for composing notations themselves, Collabinet constructs a language for describing classes.

Character designs, the avatar is an autonomous cabinet, symbolizing the metaphysical hierarchy and collection Leerdammer universe of trinities.