ietsnut / IMDUno

The IMDUno: Custom made Interactive / Media / Design Arduino Uno based board!

Parts (THT):

ATmega328-20PU, 16MHz oscillator crystal, 2x ceramic capacitor 20pF 50V, 7805 voltage regulator 5V TO220, flip switch, capacitor 0.33µF 5V electrolytic, capacitor 0.1µF 5V electrolytic, switch, 2x 220Ω resistor 0.25, 10kΩ resistor 0.25, 2x 5mm led, dc power jack.



breadboard working prototype
working prototype on lanes pcb
working prototype on lanes pcb
working prototype with blink sketch on breadboard
working prototype with blink sketch on breadboard, powered by a 12 DC adapter
silkscreen drawings
breadboard to schematic
digital breadboard prototype