ietsnut / Quantum 2.0
> Cinekid
> Quantum Toy
> Book
During a Quantum Mechanics workshop at Waag, I met Henk Buisman (physics teacher). Henk recruited me together with Evert van Nieuwenburg and Tom van der Reep to build games for kids (vwo) together.
The goal is to develop games (for the quantum computer) to teach quantum mechanics/computing concepts to children. Here are some examples:
- Representing qubit superposition as a cute qubit bloch sphere character.
- Using AR to display the path a qubit takes through quantum gates.
- Using hardware blocks as physical representations quantum gates to make a functional quantum circuit.
- Symbolizing superposition and chance by splitting the screen in half in a first person game.
I programmed a quantum circuit simulator in python and added a window for each quantum state to visually represent all the different states of a quantum circuit:
We decided to take this further into a puzzle type multiplayer (dungeon crawler) networking game.
Continuing the idea of physical quantum gates, a most likely solution would be to use I2C (inter -integrated circuit) as a means of differentiating quantum gates. The final circuit can theoretically be run on the quantum computer in TU Delft to verify the output. An example of a very minimal component circuit using the ATMega328P:
After consulting Jaap Meijers he advised me to:
- Use the 40106 chip or use a collection of transistors. Putting 1 on HIGH will return LOW on 2.
- Use RFID sensors and tags to recognize different gates.
- Use OpenCV to recognize the different blocks using video.
So currently there are 2 different projects: a physical and digital one.
I will now draw some interdisciplinary relations:
- Composing; programming of a quantum circuit is like composing music, playing a composition is like running the circuit.
- Bouldering; routesetting and climbing is like programming and running a quantum circuit.
- Choreography; a defined list of movements and transitions (circuit), dancing is like the executing of the circuit. Additionally, there is positional and rotational data for every join/muscle, a bit like the states of qubits and information they carry.
I made 3 different visual quantum circuit simulator games in python to learn about how quantum computing works (matrix transformations):
Some very good resources i referenced:
A very good medium in teaching children could be an interactive children’s book. I think the structure of Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) books is very fitting.